Sonrise Aviation

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Sonrise Aviation Air Charter Services

(260) 766-4548 or (260) 729-1577

Sonrise Aviation provides safe, affordable, and reliable air charter services for your business, private, holiday or light cargo needs.  We have a base of operations located in the greater Indianapolis region in both Portland, Indiana and Winchester, IN.  Our team can be on call in a moments notice with experienced pilots at your request.  We can service all the states east of the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic coast in a day.  With prior arrangement we can provide you with Pressurized Piston, Turbo Prop, and Turbo Jet services.  Get a quote from us today by filling out the Online Form or by calling us at (260) 766-4548 or (260) 729-1577.  Sonrise Aviation is an FAA Part 135 Charter Company operated under the authorization of the Indianapolis, IN FSDO.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Air Charter Services Provided

Sonrise Aviation provides the following services:

  • Aircraft Management Services
  • Business Charters
  • Corporate Charters
  • Holiday Charters
  • Leasing options
  • Transportation of Light Cargo
  • On Demand Cargo
  • Aircraft Parts and Appraisals


Advantages of Air Charter Flights

There are many advantages of charter flights over commercial flights.  For people who would like to have the most privilege and the benefits in flying, they would normally choose a charter flight instead of taking the usual airline flights that many of us had experienced.  This means that with charter flights, you can personally decide the time, date, and the location according to your personal preference and necessity.  The convenience of having your own tailored itinerary assures you less waiting time at airports, a speedy check in, and on time flights.  Due to the our compact size and operational nature, our flights can land at more airports, airfields and smaller private airports than commercial flights.  This gives you tremendous flexibility when designing your itinerary.  Additionally, our clients are assured of the necessary privacy for general relaxation, conversations, and private business discussions.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]